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Promotion: 8% free gold for Moneybookers account users
- May 25, 2010

Mmosale as Moneybookers Trusted Merchant for the past 5 years, we have a promotion for Moneybookers users. From 26th May until 26th June 2010, you will get 8% extra free gold by paying via your Moneybookers account. Our promotion is launched with Moneybookers. We would like to invite you to take part in this offer.

GuildWars: Developer Update - May 2010 Skill Balances
- May 26, 2010

This update is primarily targeted at improving the role of the Mesmer in PvE. Mesmers excel at control and disruption. These tactics are a natural fit for PvP, where enemy deaths are not inevitable and disrupting the right skill at the right moment can lead to the collapse of an entire team. In PvE, the focus tends to be on more direct factors like group damage and quick turnaround between battles. Our changes are intended to allow Mesmers to fit into current PvE play patterns. Many of these changes do not apply to PvP, where the shutdown capabilities of the Mesmer (and hex spells in general) are already strong.

In addition to the Mesmer-related changes, this update features significant balance adjustments to elite areas and a handful of changes to address other balance issues. The elite area changes are a follow up to the shadow the update from in February

Tibia: Runes and Potions
- May 18, 2010

Recently,The Tibia Official started a developer note on their discussion board asking for your opinion about to make potions and runes stackable with the summer update. They received lots of feedback there which they evaluated carefully. It resulted in a couple of adjustments and helped us to finalise the concept.

Are you interested in reading about the results? Then check out all detailed information in the starting post of our newly created player discussions thread "Runes and Potions". There, players exchange opinions and thoughts on the adjustments with other players and leave feedback on the topic

LOTRO’s Third Anniversary Celebration!!
- May 14, 2010

Play in Middle-Earth!

It’s LOTRO’s Third Anniversary Celebration! Welcome Back Week from April 29th through May 3rd. Come back to LOTRO for free* and receive a +5% XP** boost for all mob (monster) kills and free travel at Stable-masters. You can play your old characters or start a new one.

Plus, while the party lasts, Middle-earth will be bursting with gifts! Even the monsters are getting in the party spirit, and many of them will drop tokens for players of all levels when you defeat them. Collect these tokens and trade them in for special level-appropriate rewards to aid in your adventures

For current, new, and returning subscribers, the presents are even better: starting on April 26th and running throughout the celebration, a token of our esteem will be placed in your bag when you log in and join the party!*** The Writ of Virtue is a reward for steadfast loyalty and will keep the revelry going with special privileges from the Bards of Middle-earth. And there’s no need for the party to end! Sign up for any 3, 6, or 12 month subscription plan, and play LOTRO for only $9.99 per month!* Keep the party going and celebrate three years in Middle-earth with LOTRO!

Final Fantasy XI: New Version Update Announcement!
- May 14, 2010

The Final Fantasy official is pleased to announce that  their development team is hard at work putting the finishing touches on the upcoming FINAL FANTASY XI version update, which is currently on track for a mid-June release.

This update promises to be a momentous one, with the first level cap increase in over six and a half years, and a veritable slew of new equipment and weapon skills to accompany it.

But that's not all! Adventurers across Vana'diel can look forward to experiencing the climactic conclusions of the popular Wings of the Goddess nation quest storylines, braving the eerie environs of the new Walk of Echoes area, taking up the gauntlet with new Trial of the Magians trials, and much more! With a host of job adjustments and other refinements on the way as well, this update is sure to offer something for players of all stripes.

As always, detailed previews will be forthcoming right here in the Topics section, so keep watching this space!

Final Fantasy XI fans can have a careful look at the forum and official site!

WoW: Cataclysm family and friends alpha has begun
- May 04, 2010

This is a breath of fresh air: Zarhym has hit the World of Warcraft forums to confirm the start of the family and friends alpha teating phrase for Cataclysm It might the first time a Blizzard representative has publicly given a truly straight answer about the status of Cataclysm testing, either for or against. Zarhym goes on to state that the closed beta phase has not yet begun, but they will give an update when it does.

As always, be mindful of scams and phishing attemps throughout the alpha and beta of Cataclysm. If you don't know a friend or family member that works for Blizzard Entertainment, players should probably avoid any sort of alpha invitation that shows up in their inbox.

EverQuest 2: Treasure Chest
- Apr 30, 2010

With so much information being posted in the EQII Official Forums at all times, it can be very easy to miss some real gems and opportunities to share. The Treasure Chest is here to highlight interesting, unusual, and humorous posts.

Lore Galore

Want to learn more about Norrath, speculate about the story line, or just brush up on your facts? Our players know a lot when it comes to the lore of the land.

There's no place like home!

The decorators over in the Norrathian Homeshow forum have been busy as usual. The EQ2 official highlight some of the newest posts here, but their decorators are always working so be sure to stop in and check them all out! Guild Halls: Player Houses: Cool Stuff:

Tibia: Further Reporting Options
- Apr 30, 2010

The second upgrade of our rule enforcement system is almost done. Since this year's spring patch, all players are already able to report offensive names directly to the tibia official customer support team. In the course of the following week, they will release an additional client patch which further extends the players' possibilities to report ingame offenses

Botting Reports

If you suspect another player of using unofficial software to play, you will be able to report this player to them. All incoming reports will be processed and then analysed. The evaluated data will be used internally for our anti-cheating measures.

Rest assured that bot reports cannot be abused by players. Reported characters and their accounts will not be excluded from the game due to any unfounded accusations. Only if there is sufficient proof for illegal activities, appropriate measures will be taken.

Lineage2: Prepare for the Vesper Weapon Giveaway!
- Apr 30, 2010

Next week, there will be a random draw giveaway on each server to award one lucky player each the special April Fool's Day item that produces a random Vesper weapon!

This giveaway was created as a remedy to some mishaps that happened during the April Fools Day event. more details about the giveaway, and discuss it with other plays on the Lineage 2 forum.

FF11: Musings of a Malcontent Samurai
- Apr 23, 2010
Far have Final Fantasy XI journeyed to reach these shores...

The wayfarer from the Far East allows himself a moment of reflection, gazing across the vast sea to the horizon beyond which his homeland lies. With a handful of retainers in tow, his travels will take him to the four nations of Mindartia and Quon, whose people eagerly await the gift he bears.

The Genji armor—that priceless and irreplaceable heirloom of his realm's most storied clan.

'Tis not my nature to harbor needless doubts. Still, I cannot help but question the motives of these moogles...

The M.H.M.U.'s professed goal is to pay homage to Far Eastern culture by bringing their traditions to the Middle Lands once a year—a worthy aim, to be sure. With bandit-induced bedlam having become as much a tradition as the festival itself, however, it grows somewhat difficult to take their claims at face value.

Flitting from place to place on those peculiar purple wings, currying the favor of man and beast alike... Could they not perhaps be taking advantage of our goodwill for their own dubious ends?

The wayfarer pauses to collect his thoughts. No, he tells himself. It is unbecoming of a cultural ambassador to question the goodwill of his hosts. After all, the nations of the Middle Lands—once a barbaric, war-torn realm—now stand as close friends and stalwart allies. To give voice to his doubts would be to invite an international incident.

Having secured disembarkation privileges from the port official, the procession marches through the massive gate, whereupon they are met by the M.H.M.U. representative in charge of this year's festivities.

"Welcome! Welcome, kupo! And what a spiffy, sparkling, set of treasures you've brought for us this year! Why yes, I think these will serve our purposes veeery well, kupo-ho-ho..."

